Saturday, February 28, 2009

Team Building Seminar

Recently I was given the idea to ask for feedback from my participants after I give a seminar. Ideas; create surveys, hand out post it notes, hand out pieces or paper. In the education world we sometimes call these Ticket Out the Door. Give the people time toward the end to collect their thoughts and write them down.

The last seminar I co presented at (Team Building) we gave out post it notes to each participant and a pen. Each one of us that presented stood strategically around the room so that we would make sure we got the post it back as well as the pen. I stood right at the door.

The seminar went very well. We received a great deal of positive feedback from our presentation. I think I will be creating another blog that just shows the different feedback from the seminars that I am involved with.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Too Funny

Today while making follow up calls to offer my seminar to women's groups I called one and asked to speak to my contact. The secretary told me that my contact wasn't at that specific office today. I than asked the secretary if the contact was at the other office. The secretary told me yes, and than put me no hold. After being taken off of hold the secretary came back on the line and asked me my name and what I was calling for. I was put on hold again. Than the secretary told me that she wasn't sure where my contact was and if I wanted I could leave a voice mail for her. I left a voice mail. I have made three calls and 1 email to this contact within January and Feb. She hasn't returned my calls yet, so I'm moving on.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Day

Today I went and subbed at my regular job. While subbing on my break I got a call for another seminar, yahoo!!! This seminar is a free one also. I'm still trying to build my reputation up as a speaker.

I decided to write a book after much contemplation as well as struggling with the Lord. The only reason why I am under going this venture is because I believe that the Lord wants me to. I'm not sure why He wants me to, at times it concerns me why, but I can't think of that.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Busy Day

Today I gave a seminar with Susan Dayton and Adrian Dayton. I presented on Team Building. We were paid, Susan was kind to share the pay. The seminar went very well. I used the yarn experiment and the Helium experiment.

After I was done with the seminar I went and collected another story for my book. My book will be about different women that have had trials, have overcome them and come out of them stronger. I hope that this book becomes a place that women can draw strength from. I hope that the women reading the book will find out how these women, that I interview, have survived as well as flourished and become the strong women they are today.

Saturday I will be collecting another story. I am trying to get my mom comfortable with giving me her story.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This weeks agenda

This week I will be giving two seminars. The topic of one is Bullying and Self-Defense and being taught to youth. The other topic that I will be giving a seminar on is Team Building and that will be taught to 60 social workers.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I am posting this in the attempts of helping any women that ever thinks of going into business for herself or is trying to achieve a dream. I hope that my posts can encourage, uplift, as well as show you how I accomplished my dream.

At this point my dream is now a major goal, it has not yet come to fruition, but I am working on it. I have to tell the truth some days are a bit disappointing and I some times even wonder if this business will ever come together and actually earn me money one day.

In the process of trying to start my business I have called many different businesses and offered them free seminars and many of them just don't return my calls. Some tell me that they will call me back but never do.

What's still propelling me forward in my endeavors? My husband is my greatest cheerleader and believer in my cause. I am grateful to him. I also have a fairly strong vision of what I want---and to continually remind myself of that.

Any thing that I have ever have wanted I have had to work for. I don't mean just work a bit and than get it but really work for it, some times blood, sweat, tears and mighty prayer. I am pulling on those experiences also when I get discouraged, realizing that I have been able to do all the things in my life due to hard work as well as divine intervention....this is where my power lies.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How do you get business?

Most days that I am not giving seminars or working, I am calling businesses and offering them a free seminar. Angela Dayton, a very successful women business owner, suggested that I give 10-15 free seminars before I start charging people. I am fairly an unknown speak at this point, so Angela told me to be a known speaker I need to get out and show people what I'm made of---make a name for myself.

After giving my first seminar one of the other presenters that day asked me for my business information because she was interested in getting me to give a seminar at her place of business. She gave me her information also. This is what people call networking. After the seminar I called the other presenter and offered the same seminar to her company, which she was very pleased with. I sent her an outline so she could get it okayed with her company.

When any one requests information about this seminar I send out an email that outlines the basics of the seminar along with my background. When the women saw my back ground she invited me to come to her office and gave my resume to her boss. They asked me to fill out an application for an adjunct instructor. I filled out the application and there is probably going to be a position come open in April that I will take.

So the first seminar was very good for me for a number of different reasons; 1) I gave an excellent presentation and feel that I was able to empower a group of women that are vulnerable, 2) I was requested back in May to give a follow up seminar, 3) I networked and got another seminar day scheduled, 4) I may be working as an adjunct instructor at a good college where I maybe able to network more.

I am grateful for the wonderful guidance from Angela Dayton. I believe that I will be able to succeed due to her guidance as well as doing my part. My part? Calling, making appointments, following up, networking, and giving great seminars (always reflecting after each one).