Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Got Lemons? Make Lemonade.

What inspired me to start this business?

I am a Math teacher by profession, I have a permanent NY State Teaching Certificate. I have a Masters in Education a Bachelors in Communication and an Associates degree in Math, Science and Liberal Arts.

Since November I have been substituting with no full time work. Before that I was teaching full time at a WNY school. I left that school over principle. I as a teacher was not allowed the autonomy to provide the education I proved I could provide in a system that has year after year failed those children. The curriculum became more important than the student, that is to say a certain pace needed to be maintained department wise wether the students were "getting it" or not. Many teachers were upset with this, but were able to live with it and tow the line. I could not. Perhaps the system isn't ready to get fixed yet but I can't voluntarily be part of the problem. In my oppion maintaining integrity is more important than keeping a job.

Since Christmas there hasn't been a great deal of need for substitutes at the schools I sub at, so in essense I am unemployed. My husband was laid off right after Christmas from his job so he's unemployed too.

So what do people do when they are unemployed? They write tons of resumes, go to career fairs, register at temp agencies and wait for a job.

On top of that, my husband and I decided to review our talents, skills, abilities. We have both decided to start business's.

I have been taking martial arts for the last 5 years clocking over 1000 hours. I have been teaching in inner city schools for the last 5 years. Before becoming a teacher I worked in corporate and volunteer capacities mostly involving teaching and/or presenting.

I realized I have a talent for teaching and presenting. Seminars just made sense---why not make money doing something that I enjoy so much?

As for my husband, he is starting a business as a web designer as well as computer repair and computer training.

We both are working on a book.

What a great year, what a great new adventure!!!

Got Lemons? Make Lemonade.

4th and 5th seminar scheduled

I am so charged up for my 4th and 5th seminar. My fourth seminar is going to be at the Bell center that seminar will be on self-defense/bullying. The seminar will be presented to youth 12-14 years old.

My 5th seminar is going to be in March. International Women's Day is March 8, which is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women. I will be giving my seminar on women's self defense at Bryant & Stratton College later that month.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Seminar a Smash Hit

Today I gave my first seminar on women's self defense at Women for Human Rights and Dignity. What a great group of people!! Women for Human Rights and Dignity is a not for profit that helps homeless women and their children. All the women are given an apartment to live in as well as strongly encouraged to further their education and training. They have quarterly seminars to help encourage and uplift their participants. I was extremely impressed by the women who run the programs as well as the women who are participants of the program.

Today I learned that Women for Human Rights and Dignity was organized during the 1970's due to a horrific tragedy that occurred to a mother and her children. One of the missions of the organization is to empower and support the role of motherhood. They feel that the role of motherhood is sacred. WOW what a great concept.

I have felt honored to have presented to this group of extraordinary women. I will be giving another seminar there in May---more advanced self-defense.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Third Seminar

I have scheduled my third seminar, February 19. This one I will be team teaching with Susan Dayton. The topic of this seminar will be The Importance of a Team. It will be a very interactive and fun seminar.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2nd Seminar scheduled

I got another seminar booked for May 16th. This is my 2nd. I have a couple more organizations going to call and set something up with me soon. I just sent some information out to them via email.

I am getting excited to see how many places see a need to educate their clients/employees on the topic womens self defense.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Seminar Prepared

Hear-Me-Roar's first seminar on Womens Self Defense is all prepared and will be given January 24, 2009. I hope this is one of many.

I hope that the women coming to Hear-Me-Roar's seminar will gain some knowledge, empowerment and confidence.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Start

Check out my new web site

I have created my web site to help empower women. There will be many articles, information, and support for womens issues. Some of the issues that I will be covering are; self defense, motherhood, how to strengthen your marriage, dating ideas, homemaking ideas...etc.

I would love your feed back about my site.

Along with launching my web site I will be giving seminars on self defense to womens groups.